মঙ্গলবার, ১৫ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Attraction Marketing Online|Invest in Yourself | Attraction ... - Viviana

Many start attraction marketing by investing in hard-core skills.? You buy courses and softwares to? help you building your own business.? It is nothing wrong. Sometimes, we?re overwhelmed with the massive information, there are so many techniques and tips that you can read and learn online.? Of course,? you need internet marketing skills to build your business online. However, the most valuable asset is within you. Invest in yourself first. A human capital is the most valuable asset.? According to Wikipedia, human capital has definition as follows:

?The stock of competencies, knowledge, social and personality attributes, including creativity, embodied in the ability to perform labor so as to produce economic value.?

What will happen when you invest in yourself? You create your own values. Your product or service? includes your values, and you can set your price according to the values accumulated. The more you invest in yourself, the more values you have.? Attraction marketing works if you build a business around yourself, integrate yourself? or your human capital into your marketing and your business.

5 Tips for ?Invest in Yourself? in Attraction Marketing

1.? Be Confident with Your Appearance

Yes, you must be happy with your appearance. There are business owners who don?t want to show their picture on the website or to take a video about themselves because they feel worried about their appearance.? If you are not happy about your appearance, then do something to improve your appearance. Eat healthy food, change your diet and live healthily.? Change your hairstyle can give? you a new look. Smile often so you can turn yourself into a happy you. Your appearance also reflects your heart and your mind. Feed your mind with positive thoughts and learn how to feel good about yourself. Look into the mirror and say, ?I feel good about yourself?. When you feel good about yourself, you will feel confident about your look. You don?t feel worried to put up your picture on your website or even to take video ?about me?. As solo entrepreneurs,? you should show yourself in pictures and/or video because attraction marketing is about you, building a business around you. People deal with people, not a system or an opportunity.? Your profile picture is important. All you need is to be comfortable and feeling good about your look so you can feel confident.? Attraction marketing is about you, so you need to present yourself, don?t hide behind the business.

Take a look at the picture below, they are the same person. That?s me. By changing the hair style, I have a new look, and I feel good about myself.


2.? Self-awareness

?He who knows the universe and does not know himself knows nothing.? Jean De La Fontaine

The definition of self-awareness is the ability to recognize your feeling, differentiate between them, know why you are feeling these feelings, and recognize the impact your feelings have on others around you. Know thyself or know yourself is important. If you understand about yourself, your strengths and weaknesses, you will be able to recognize your feeling. The result of having high self- awareness, you will be able to manage yourself. Self-awareness is crucial for managing yourself and your success. Being self-aware of your feeling, you can predict the outcome, and you can prevent or alter the negative feeling. You can re-frame your feeling into? positive.

3. Gratitude

Being grateful everyday, saying your gratitude ?thank you? can be powerful. It trains your mind to look into positive ways. When you feel positive about you and your life, you will take positive actions. Positive actions will attract positive outcome.

4. Set Your Goal and Review it.

Start a new habit, learn new things or set a new project and you make it as your small goal. Start it small weekly and you set an action plan to achieve it.? Review your goal at the end of the week.? When you achieve it, it means you make a small progress. You feel good about it.? What if you do it week after week, would it be a great success when you achieve your goal every week?

5. Hire a Coach

Why you need a coach? Basically, you can?t do it alone; you need a help. Behind successful people, they have a coach.? What is a coach? A coach will provide support and guidance for a person to achieve his or her goal. Coaching will allow you to explore possibilities and to find your answers lying dormant within you. A coach will help you to be accountable.? Hire a coach to help you in your business to implement attraction marketing, starting from you.

By investing in yourself, you start attraction marketing within you. You are the doer in your business and you build a business around you: your strength, personality, experiences and skills.










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Source: http://viviana-journey.com/attraction-marketing-onlineinvest-in-yourself/

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